by Ashley Buckowing
Published in Fruchtman Findings, 10-16-2023
I cannot talk enough about how important photography is in marketing, especially in the jewelry business. The best way to tempt your customers and capture those clicks is to show off your pieces in the best, and most interesting, way possible.
Here are 5 tips for taking photos that will snag your viewers attention:
Stabilize Your Shot with a Tripod. There’s nothing worse than a shaky hand while you’re trying to capture every facet of a diamond. A tripod will keep your camera still so you can zoom in for a clear shot.
Camera Choice. You don’t have to own the fanciest camera in existence for nice quality images! It’s about capturing the image at the highest DPI, which your phone can’t always do.
Selecting the Ideal Lens. From Centurion:
“Standard lenses (approximately 50-55 degrees view) offer a natural perspective.”
“For intricate details, macro lenses excel due to their close focusing capacity.”
“Fixed millimeter lenses, like the 50mm, offer sharpness and quality.”
Lighting. Natural light always looks nice, but a bright sunny day isn’t actually the best time for great photos. Pick a cloudy day where you can get even lighting (the image can always be brightened in Photoshop!). A ring light and a softbox are always a great help, as well!
Dialing in the Perfect Settings. From Centurion:
“Use One-Shot mode for fixed focus.”
“Maintain low ISO and shutter speed for noise reduction.”
“Select an aperture of f/8 for detailed product photos.”